Novosadski duvački kvintet / Novi Sad Wind Quintet

Novosadski duvački kvintet / Novi Sad Wind Quintet
Novosadski duvački kvintet / Novi Sad Wind Quintet


* To see photos in full size, click on the first photo on this page. Photo: Aleksandar Korom


W. A. Mozart – Ouverture „The Magic Flute“ W. A. Mozart – Ouverture „Marriage of Figaro“ L. van Beethoven – Ouverture „Coriolan“ G. Rossini – Ouverture „Il baribere di Seviglia“ G. Verdi – Ouverture „La forza del destino“ G. Verdi – Ouverture „Nabucco“ F. Danzi – Wind Quintet in B …

Mirko Marić – French horn

Mirko Marić was born in Sremska Mitrovica in 1983. He started his music education in his hometown in music school “Petar Krančević” in the class of Aleksandar Gošev (Macedonia). He finished music high school ‘Isidor Bajić’ in Novi Sad in the class of Jelena Jeremić. When he had enrolled Academy …

Goran Marinković – bassoon

D. A. Goran Marinković graduated at the Wind instruments department–bassoon and at the Composition department at the Faculty of music in Belgrade. He finished postgraduate studies at the Wind instruments department-bassoon. He received the title of Doctor of Arts in 2013 (chamber music “Profiling of sound and interpretative role of bassoon …

Kristijan Boroš – clarinet

Kristijan Boroš was born in 1986 in Novi Sad where he finished his elementary and secondary musical education at “Isidor Bajić” Music School in the class of professor Đuro Pete. He completed his bachelor and master’s studies at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad in the class of prof. …

About quintet

Novi Sad Wind Quintet was founded in 2010 in Novi Sad on the initiative of horn player Mirko Marić. The members are Ksenija Mijatović Korom (flute), Veronika Antunović Marić (oboe), Kristijan Boroš (clarinet), Goran Marinković (bassoon) and Mirko Marić (French horn). The wind quintet members are musicians whose field of …

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